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Dr. E. (Enzo) Rossi

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Challenges to Democratic Representation
Photographer: Sander Heezen

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: B10.05
Postal address
  • Postbus 15578
    1001 NB Amsterdam
  • About

    I'm a political theorist. I research how power distorts our understanding of social reality, and what that says about the legitimacy of social and political institutions--a question I address from an epistemic rather than moral point of view. I try to show that there are empirically observable phenomena that yield normative political judgments. More specifically, I try to arrive at empirically-grounded evaluative judgments driven by epistemic normativity. I try to show that there are empirically observable phenomena that yield evaluative political judgments. The rough idea is this. When we believe in the legitimacy of power as a result of the workings of that very power, epistemically flawed ideologies become prevalent, and this is normatively suboptimal insofar as it impairs our capacity to make good political decisions.

    More generally, I'm concerned with the relationship between the descriptive and the normative study of society and, therefore, with questions of method in political theory.  I maintain that 'ethics first', moralistic political theory often misses what's most important about politics, and is at risk of ideological distortion. I see my work as contributing to the radical realist research programme: an approach that is suspicious of moral argument in politics and embraces empirical evidence, but without foreclosing far-reaching social and political change. 

    My recent work has appeared in venues such as the American Political Science Review and The Journal of Politics. Most of my publications and preprints can be freely downloaded from here (the automatically-generated list of publications on this site is more or less complete, but it lacks many links and full-texts).

    Here at the UvA I'm an associate professor (universitair hoofddocent) in the Department of Political Science, and the co-director of the Challenges to Democratic Representation Programme Group. I also co-edit the European Journal of Political Theory. I have held various grants as (co-)principal investigator (Dutch Research Council Vidi, 2016-2022; Gerda Henkel Foundation, 2024-2027), and as a member of consortia (EU FP7 and Horizon schemes, and others). I did my PhD in philosophy, at St Andrews.

  • Publications





    • Bajaj, S., & Rossi, E. (2020). Noumenal Power, Reasons, and Justification: A Critique of Forst. In E. Herlin-Karnell, M. Klatt, & H. Morales (Eds.), Constitutionalism Justified: Rainer Forst in Discourse (pp. 117-130). Oxford University Press. Advance online publication. [details]




    • Chiesa, F., & Rossi, E. (2016). Contested Identities and Spatial Marginalisation: The Case of Roma and Gypsy-Travellers in Wales. In S. Moroni, & D. Weberman (Eds.), Space and Pluralism: Can Contemporary Cities Be Places of Tolerance? (pp. 155-172). Central European University Press. [details]
    • Rossi, E. (2016). Can realism move beyond a Methodenstreit? [Review of: M. Freeden (2013) The political theory of political thinking: the anatomy of a practice; M. Sleat (2013) Liberal realism: a realist theory of liberal politics]. Political Theory, 44(3), 410-420. [details]
    • Rossi, E. (2016). Facts, principles, and (real) politics. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 19(2), 505-520. Advance online publication. [details]




    • Argenton, C., & Rossi, E. (2013). Pluralism, Preferences and Deliberation: A Critique of Sen’s Constructive Argument for Democracy. Journal of Social Philosophy, 44(2), 129-145.
    • Argenton, C., & Rossi, E. (2013). Pluralism, preferences, and deliberation: A critique of Sen's constructive argument for democracy. Journal of Social Philosophy, 44(2), 129-145.
    • Ferretti, M. P., & Rossi, E. (2013). Pluralism Slippery Slopes and Democratic Public Discourse. Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory, 137, 29-47.
    • Rossi, E. (2013). Can Tolerance Be Grounded in Equal Respect? European Journal of Political Theory, 12(3), 240-252.
    • Rossi, E. (2013). Compromise, Consensus, Justice and Legitimacy. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 16(4), 557-572.


    • Rossi, E. (2012). Justice, Legitimacy, and (Normative) Authority for Political Realists. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 15(2), 149-164.
    • Rossi, E. (2012). Justice, legitimacy and (normative) authority for political realists. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 15(2), 149-164.


    • Rossi, E. (2010). Modus Vivendi, Consensus, and (Realist) Liberal Legitimacy. Public Reason, 2(2), 21-39.
    • Rossi, E. (2010). Reality and imagination in political theory and practice: On Raymond Geuss's realism. European Journal of Political Theory, 9(4), 504-512.


    • Ferretti, M. P., & Rossi, E. (2009). Usi e abusi del piano inclinato in circostanze di pluralismo. Notizie di Politeia, 25(95), 57-71.
    • Rossi, E. (2009). The Exemption That Confirms the Rule: Reflections on Proceduralism and the UK Hybrid Embryos Controversy. Res Publica, 15(3), 237-250.


    • Rossi, E. (2008). Liberal Democracy and the Challenge of Ethical Diversity. Human Affairs: Postdisciplinary Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 18(1), 10-22.


    • Rossi, E. (in press). We make our own history, but in circumstances of other people’s choosing: intercultural materialism in The Dawn of Everything: intercultural materialism in The Dawn of Everything. Contemporary Political Theory.


    • Rossi, E. (2019). Can Modus Vivendi Save Liberalism from Moralism? A Critical Assessment of John Gray’s Political Realism. In J. Horton, M. Westphal, & U. Willems (Eds.), The Political Theory of Modus Vivendi (pp. 95-109). Springer. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Rossi, E., & Sleat, M. (2014). Teaching and learning guide for: Realism in normative political theory. Philosophy Compass, 9(10), 741-744.


    • Rossi, E. (2022). Hard Facts, Distorted Views, and Hope: How to Square Democratic Theory with Realism. An Interview with Lisa Herzog and Enzo Rossi, by Andreas Busen and Alexander Weiss. Zeitschrift für Politische Theorie, 13(1-2), 155-175.




    • Rossi, E. (2010). Liberalism, Modernity, and Communal Being. Imprints: Egalitarian Theory and Practice, 10(3), 257-264 .

    Prize / grant

    Membership / relevant position

    • Rossi, E. (2014). co-editor European Journal of Political Theory, Sage.

    Media appearance

    • Rossi, E. (06-03-2017). News analysis: Dutch election barometer for high-stake elections in Europe [Web] China - Europe. News analysis: Dutch election barometer for high-stake elections in Europe.
    • Rossi, E. (24-04-2015). Interview on Russia Today [Print]. Interview on Russia Today.
    • Rossi, E. (17-04-2015). På kanten. Interview door Hanne Østli Jakobsen [Print] Morgenbladet. På kanten. Interview door Hanne Østli Jakobsen.
    • Rossi, E. (27-03-2015). Generasjon lydig på barrikadene. Interview door: Hanne Østli Jakobsen en Sonia Mangiapane [Print] Morgenbladet. Generasjon lydig på barrikadene. Interview door: Hanne Østli Jakobsen en Sonia Mangiapane.
    • Rossi, E. (20-03-2015). Interview on Russia Today [Print]. Interview on Russia Today.
    • Rossi, E. (06-03-2015). Aggiornamenti dall'università di Amsterdam occupata. Interview door: Radio Black Out [Radio]. Aggiornamenti dall'università di Amsterdam occupata. Interview door: Radio Black Out.
    • Rossi, E. (01-01-2015). Maagdenhuis eviction. Interview door: [Print]. Maagdenhuis eviction. Interview door:

    Journal editor

    Talk / presentation

    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (7-12-2018). Being Realistic and Demanding the Impossible, Centre for Philosophy, University of Lisbon.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (15-11-2018). Being Realistic and Demanding the Impossible, Whereto? Critical Reflections on Political Progress, Frankfurt.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (31-8-2018). Aristole and Newey’s Realisms’, Glen Newey Memorial Workshop: Toleration, political realism and the public role of philosophy, Leiden.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (7-7-2018). Legitimacy’s Impossible Trinity, Legitimacy Workshop, Bochum.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (5-7-2018). Political Naturalism, Doing Realistic Political Theory, Munster.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (25-6-2018). Political Naturalism, Workshop on Realism, Reading.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (8-6-2018). Aristole and Newey’s Realisms, Toleration, Security and Realism. Conference on the Political Theory of Glen Newey, Torino.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (21-4-2018). Political Naturalism, Bilkent University, 06800 Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey..
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (11-2017). Political Normativity, King's College, London.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (11-2017). Realist Legitimacy, Workshop on Pragmatism and Realism, Norwich.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (15-9-2017). Reply to Brennan at Author-meets-critics session, Utrecht University.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (6-2017). Legitimacy and Coercion, Global Justice Meets Global Democracy Workshop, Durham.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (5-2017). Wither the Liberal Social Contract?, Compromise Workshop, Milan.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (4-2017). Libertarianism, Capitalism, Ideology, Philosophy Department Colloquium.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (3-2017). Libertarianism, Capitalism, Ideology, Talking Points Seminar, London.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (3-2017). Ideology and Epistemic Democracy, Democracy Between Substance and Procedure , Rennes.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (19-1-2017). Invited panelist, public debate on Intersectionality and Political Strategy of the Left, VU University.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (1-2017). Justice and legitimacy in ReThink UvA, Examining Actual Political Practices, London.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (1-2017). Response to Forst, Workshop on Legitimacy Beyond the State, Frankfurt.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (18-11-2016). Being Realistic and Demanding the Impossible, Political realism and practical morality conference, Budapest.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (7-11-2016). Libertarianism, Capitalism, Ideology: A Reality Check, Brussels School of International Studies.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (13-6-2016). Libertarianism, Capitalism, Ideology: A Reality Check, ‘Beyond Contractarianism?’ Ohio State University Philosophy Annual Conference, Dubrovnik.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (1-6-2016). 'Being Realistic and Demanding the Impossible', University of Reading.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (23-5-2016). Being Realistic and Demanding the Impossible, University of Antwerp.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (14-4-2016). Being Realistic and Demanding the Impossible, University of Milan.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (29-2-2016). Commentary on Hindriks on ideology, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (29-1-2016). Justice and Legitimacy in the Emergent European Polity, Exploring Structures of Justification and Proportionality in Contemporary Constitutional Law, Amsterdam.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (25-1-2016). Libertarianism, Capitalism, Ideology: A Reality Check, Contemporary European Law Seminar Series, Amsterdam.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (27-10-2015). Ypi and White on Partisanship, The Meaning of Partisanship Workshop, University of Oslo.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (15-10-2015). Libertarianism, Capitalism, Ideology: A Reality-Check, SciencesPo Political Theory Seminar Series, Paris.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (10-9-2015). Commentary on Gaus on Public Reason, Leiden University College, Leiden.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (27-8-2015). Facts, Principles, and Politics, Facts and Norms Workshop, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (24-8-2015). Commentary on Sagar on Legitimacy, Political Realisms Workshop, UCL, London.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (15-8-2015). Debate with Martin van Hees on Capitalism, Vitamine Z Festival, Amsterdam.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (8-7-2015). Pluralism, Realism, and Legitimacy, Modus Vivendi Conference, University of Münster, Münster.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (11-6-2015). Understanding Religion, Governing Religion, Religion in Liberal Political Philosophy Conference, University College London, London.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (22-4-2015). What Is the Common Good?, Political Arts Initiative, West Gallery, The Hague.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (11-4-2015). Being Realistic and Demanding the Impossible, Festival of Sciences and Humanities, De Nieuwe Universiteit Amsterdam, Maagdenhuis Amsterdam.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (9-1-2015). On Being Realistic and Demanding the Impossible, What is Realism? Workshop, Yale-NUS, Singapore.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (24-11-2014). Pluralism, Realism, and Legitimacy, Conference, Democracy, Identity and European Integration Conference, University of Rjeka, Rijeka, Croatia.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (12-11-2014). Facts, Principle, and Politics, Invited lecture at Political Theory Seminar Series, University of Manchester, Manchester.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (10-11-2014). Facts, Principles, and Politics, Invited lecture at Philosophy Department Seminar Series, Aarhus University, Aarhus.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (15-10-2014). Should Consent Matter for Legitimacy?, Invited lecture, Philosophy & Public Affairs Seminar Series, University of Amsterdam Philosophy Department, Amsterdam.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (25-9-2014). Should Consent Matter for Legitimacy?, Invited lecture at Political Philosophy Seminar Series, Leiden University, Leiden.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (2-7-2014). Political Realism, Invited lecture at Masterclass for PhD Students, University College London, London.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (12-6-2014). Libertarianism and Capitalism: A Reality Check, Invited lecture, Workshop on Robert Nozick, Politicologenetmaal, Maastricht University, Maastricht.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (7-4-2014). On Prehistoric Myths in Political Philosophy, Invited lecture at Faculty Research Workshop, Georgetown University in Qatar, Qatar.
    • Rossi, E. (invited speaker) (26-3-2014). Libertarianism and Capitalism: A Reality Check, Invited lecture at Philosophy Department Seminar Series, Tilburg University, Tilburg.


    • Rossi, E. (visiting researcher) (1-1-2017 - 30-6-2017). University College London (visiting an external institution).
    • Rossi, E. (visiting researcher) (1-2017 - 6-2017). UCL Institute of Advanced Studies (visiting an external institution).
    • Rossi, E. (organiser) (2015). Co-organiser annual conference of the Association for Social and Political Philosophy, University of Amsterdam Law School (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Rossi, E. (participant) & Langvatn, S. A. (participant) (8-9-2014 - 10-9-2014). Organized workhop at MANCEPT Conference, University of Manchester, Manchester. Workshop on "Theorising Legitimacy" (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Rossi, E. (participant) (3-5-2014). Organized symposium at Senate House, University of London, London. Symposium in Honour of John Skorupski (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Rossi, E. (other) (2012). Member of the executive committee, Association for Social and Political Philosophy, Association for Social and Political Philosophy (other).
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
  • Ancillary activities
    • SAGE Publishing, EJPT
      Co-editorship of European Journal of Political Theory