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M. (Matouš) Jelínek MPhil

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Anthropology of Health, Care and the Body
Area of expertise: ethnicity, ethnic identification and the mutual influence of ethnicity, gender and class in the context of care and social services
Photographer: Jeannette Slütter

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  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
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  • Postbus 15509
    1001 NA Amsterdam
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    Matous Jelinek is a PhD candidate at the Department of Anthropology at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research of the University of Amsterdam. Currently, his research is focused on transnational commercial care infrastructures in Central Europe, as a part of the ERC Starting Grant project ‘ReloCare: Relocating Care within Europe’ led by Kristine Krause.

  • ERC Project ReloCare: Relocating Care within Europe

    ERC Project Relocare: Relocating Care within Europe: Moving the elderly to places where care is more affordable (2021-2026)

    Within care studies, the transnationalization of care has been mainly understood as drawing on (female) migrant care workers and resulting in a ‘care gap’ in the places such workers leave behind. This project looks at the reverse phenomenon: care relocation, in which the ageing body is relocated to places where care is more affordable. This hotly contested trend, described as ‘grandmother deportation’ or ‘geriatric colonialism’, can be seen as an extreme example of the marketization of care, and entangling welfare states as entitlements are carried across national borders within Europe.

    This multi-sited anthropological study will take as case studies care homes in Central Eastern Europe (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary) that recruit patients from Austria and Germany, and offer care at roughly one-third of the cost of similar institutions in the home countries. What does care relocation do to the people and places involved? Most of these care homes are located in regions characterized by a long German and Habsburg-Hungarian history, adding historical complexity to the story. Some serve only German-speaking patients, others serve local, wealthier elderly people as well. They are run by former migrant care workers and by international companies, bringing labour migration and real estate investment into the picture.

    ReloCare breaks new ground by encompassing all of these aspects in one study. Alongside in-depth ethnographic studies of daily life in these care homes, the researchers will investigate the nexus of care entrepreneurs and state insurances, and the histories of places and regional migration, providing an understanding of these new transnational entanglements of welfare states. In perceiving care relocation as both part of future making and a response to the privatization of care landscapes in the region, it asks what it means to become old and in need of care in an increasingly intertwined Europe.

    Team members

  • Publications


    • Jelínek, M. (2024). Vzdělávání jako nástroj rozvoje: vzdělávací strategie a pedagogická autorita neziskových organizací v práci s romskými dětmi a mládeží. Sociální studia / Social Studies, 21(2 ), 27-44. [details]


    • Kotašková, E., & Jelínek, M. (2022). “When I hear there's going to be an Asian tourist …”: The role of Asian ethnicity in the planning process of guided tours in Svalbard. In Y.-S. Lee (Ed.), Asian Mobilities Consumption in a Changing Arctic (pp. 101-113). (Routledge advances in tourism). Routledge. [details]

    Talk / presentation

    • Jelínek, M. (speaker) (12-9-2024). Long Gone but Still so Present: How Histories Shape Care for German Seniors in Former Sudeten, RSA Central and Eastern European (CEE) Conference, Dubrovnik.
    • Jelínek, M. (speaker), Krause, K. (speaker), Prieler, V. (speaker) & Sapieha, M. (speaker) (26-7-2024). Phantom Borders or How History is Folded into Care, 18th EASA Biennial Conference: Doing and Undoing with Anthropology, Barcelona.
    • Jelínek, M. (speaker) (23-5-2024). Managing Language, Organizing Communication: The Case of German-speaking Seniors in the Czech Nursing Homes, Creative Care: Nursing and the Health Humanities, Amsterdam.
    • Prieler, V. (speaker), Krause, K. (speaker), Jelínek, M. (speaker) & Sapieha, M. (speaker) (24-3-2023). Care Relocation and Live-in Care in Europe as Results of Transnationalisation and Marketisation of Care: Are They Two Sides of the Same Coin?, Care Migration – Care Marketization. Reflections on a complex Interplay. International Symposium of the Research Project ‘”Ideal” Migrant Subjects: Domestic Service in Globalization’, Linz.
    • Krause, K. (speaker), Ezzeddine, P. (speaker), Sapieha, M. (speaker), Prieler, V. (speaker), Jelínek, M. (speaker), Búriková, Z. (speaker) & Horvath, H. (speaker) (8-10-2022). German-speaking seniors in CEE countries: transnational care relocation and care regimes in Europe, ESA Research Network nr. 26 mid-term conference: From the cradle to the grave? Social policy in diverse temporal and spatial contexts, Berlin.
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