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Dr. J.J. (Johan) De Deken

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Institutions, Inequalities and Life courses
Photographer: onbekend

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: B6.04
Postal address
  • Postbus 15508
    1001 NA Amsterdam
  • Profile
  • Publications


    • De Deken, J. (2018). The corrosion of occupational pensions solidarity in the Netherlands. Transfer, 24(1), 43-56. [details]
    • De Deken, J. (2018). Towards a comprehensive explanation of the development of occupational pension. The interplay between welfare state legacies, industrial relations, and housing regimes in Belgium and the Netherlands. Social Policy & Administration, 52(2), 519-533. Advance online publication. [details]


    • De Deken, J. (2017). Conceptualizing and Measuring Social Investment. In A. Hemerijck (Ed.), The Uses of Social Investment (pp. 184-193). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • De Deken, J. (2017). The Netherlands: The Challenges Posed by the Unintended Universal Financialization of Retirement Provision. In D. Natali (Ed.), The New Pension Mix in Europe: Recent Reforms, Their Distributional Effects and Political Dynamics (pp. 151-182). (Work & Society; Vol. 83). P.I.E. Peter Lang. [details]



    • De Deken, J. (2014). Identifying the skeleton of the social investment state: defining and measuring patterns of social policy change on the basis of expenditure data. In B. Cantillon, & F. Vandenbroucke (Eds.), Reconciling work and poverty reduction: how successful are European welfare states? (pp. 260-285). (International policy exchange series). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Delfani, N., De Deken, J., & Dewilde, C. (2014). Home-ownership and pensions: negative correlation, but no trade-off. Housing Studies, 29(5), 657-676. Advance online publication. [details]





    • De Deken, J. (2009). Belgium. In P. de Beer, & T. Schils (Eds.), The labour market triangle: employment protection, unemployment compensation, and activation in Europe (pp. 145-173). (Globalization and welfare). Edward Elgar. [details]


    • De Deken, J. J. (Accepted/In press). Belgien: Konsolidierung und Wandel durch „Institutionelle Überlagerung". In C. Bogedan, S. Leiber, & E. Seils (Eds.), Sozialversicherung: Wandel, Wirkung, Weiterentwicklung Wiesbaden: Springer VS.




    • Dewilde, C., De Deken, J., & Delfani, N. (2012). Een eigen huis, een plek onder de zon: ook voor ouderen? In P. de Decker, B. Hubeau, I. Loots, & I. Pannecoucke (Eds.), Zo lang de leeuw kan bouwen...: liber amicorum prof. dr. Luc Goossens (pp. 185-201). Garant. [details]


    • de Beer, P., de Deken, J., Hollanders, D., Kuiper, S., Salverda, W., & van der Zwan, N. (2014). Keuzevrijheid pensioenfondsen levert niets op. Zeggenschap/Tijdschrift over Arbeidsverhoudingen, 25(4), 20-24. [details]


    • De Deken, J. (2013). Review of the National Reform Programme on pensions in the Netherlands. (ASISP). Gesellschaft für Versicherungswissenschaft und -gestaltung e.V. (on behalf of the European Commission). [details]
    • De Deken, J., & Maarse, H. (2013). Country Document 2013: Pensions, health and long-term care: the Netherlands. (ASiSP report). Gesellschaft für Versicherungswissenschaft und -gestaltung e.V. [details]


    • De Deken, J. J. (2013). Free to choose what by whom? Freedom of choice in occupational pension provision. Can the Netherlands anything from freedom of choice in occupational pension provision in Sweden, Finland, Australia and the United Kingdom?. Abstract from Annual conference of Council for European Studies, .


    • De Deken, J. (2011). Pension privatisation and the financialisation of retirement provision. Paper presented at 9th Annual ESPAnet Conference: 'Sustainability and transformation in European Social Policy'. Stream 15: Reforms of pension system in the light of socioeconomic interdependencies. [details]
    • De Deken, J. (2011). The Netherlands: the challenges posed by the unintended universal financialisation of retirement provision. Paper presented at Workshop 'The new pension mix: supplementary pension schemes in Europe'. [details]
    • De Deken, J. J. (2011). Problems in incorporating non-statutory programmes in micro simulations of tax benefits in the Netherlands. Paper presented at International working group seminar on microsimulation and comparative welfare state research, Odense, .


    • Luigjes, C. F. (2020). Between autonomy and solidarity: Institutional moral hazard in the regulation of unemployment in federal welfare states. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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