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Dr. L. (Linda) Bos

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
CW : Political Communication & Journalism
Area of expertise: populist political communication, the role of communication in the success of populist parties, the relation between political elites, the relation between political elites, media and voters
Photographer: onbekend

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: C8.00
Postal address
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
  • Profile


    Dr. Linda Bos is an Associate Professor of Political Communication and Journalism at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research. She is the Program Group Director of the Program Group of Political Communication and Journalism at the University of Amsterdam, Board member of the Amsterdam School of Communication Research, a full member of the Center for Politics and Communication and affiliated to the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies. Linda is the co-chair of the Standing Group on Political Communication of the European Consortium for Political Research.

    Linda is an expert in the broad field of populist political communication, studying the role of communication in the success of populist parties. Her broader research line centres on the relation between political elites, media and voters, focusing on the content and effects of political communication for democracy.

    Linda is one of the PI’s on the ACES Interdisciplinary Research Project on Emotions in European Politics, and  a member of the DigiWorld team, studying digital election campaigning worldwide. From 2014 to 2018 Linda was a Management Committee Member of the COST action on Populist Political Communication in Europe.

    Linda was awarded with the NESCoR dissertation award 2012 for her dissertation on “Public Images of Right-Wing Populist Leaders: the Role of the Mass Media”, defended at the University of Amsterdam in May 2012. Together with Kees Brants, she was awarded with the European Journal of Communication Top Article Award of 2014 for their article on Populist rhetoric in politics and media: A longitudinal study of the Netherlands.

    Linda published 25+ articles in ISI-ranked journals such as Political Communication, Communication Research, Party Politics, European Journal of Political Research, International Journal of Press/Politics, Political Psychology and Political Studies

    Linda is a member of the Works Council of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Amsterdam, chair of the Exam Board of the Erasmus Mundus Master in Journalism, Media and Globalization, and a member of the PhD Program Committee of the Graduate School of Communication.

  • Publications


    • Bos, L. (2025). Populist rhetoric: Concepts, uses and contexts. In D. Lilleker, D. Jackson, B. Kalsnes, C. Mellado, F. Trevisan, & A. Veneti (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Political Campaigning (pp. 87-99). Taylor & Francis. Advance online publication.
    • Bos, L. (in press). Populist Communication. In A. Nai, M. Grömping, & D. Wirz (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Communication Edward Elgar Publishing.
    • Hopp, F. R., & Bos, L. (in press). Moral Appeals. In A. Nai, M. Grömping, & D. Wirz (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Communication
    • Nai, A., Bos, L., & van Erkel, P. F. A. (in press). Violent attacks against politicians condition support for political violence. Evidence from a natural experiment. . Public Opinion Quarterly.
    • Strikovic, E., & Bos, L. (in press). Populism, Media, and Political Communication. In R. Huber, & M. Jankowski (Eds.), Populism: An Introduction (pp. 161-173). Sage.


    • Hameleers, M., Gravesteijn, E., Bos, L., & Nai, A. (2024). Communicating Delegitimisation: Political Information and Challenges to Democracy. In T. Araujo, & P. Nijens (Eds.), Communication Research into the Digital Society: Fundamental Insights from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (pp. 53-68). Amsterdam University Press., [details]
    • Mendoza, P. M., Nai, A., & Bos, L. (2024). The Fleeting Allure of Dark Campaigns: Backlash from Negative and Uncivil Campaigning in the Presence of (Better) Alternatives. Political Communication. Advance online publication.
    • Nai, A., Vermeer, S., Bos, L., & Hameleers, M. (2024). Disenchantment with Political Information: Attitudes, Processes, and Effects. In T. Araujo, & P. Neijens (Eds.), Communication Research into the Digital Society: Fundamental Insights from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (pp. 569-86). Amsterdam University Press., [details]
    • Sanchez Salgado, R. M., & Bos, L. (2024). A Passion for Virtue? Appeals to Morality and Emotions in European Parliament Climate Change Debates . American Behavioral Scientist. Advance online publication.












    • Bos, L., van der Brug, W., & de Vreese, C. H. (2013). An experimental test of the impact of style and rhetoric on the perception of right-wing populist and mainstream party leaders. Acta Politica, 48(2), 192-208. Article 4. [details]




    • Bos, L., & Brants, K. (2014). Wilders en de golfslag van het populisme. In P. van Praag, & K. Brants (Eds.), Media, macht en politiek: de verkiezingscampagne van 2012 (pp. 187-205). AMB. [details]
    • Brants, K., & Bos, L. (2014). Dagbladen in de marge van de medialogica. In P. van Praag, & K. Brants (Eds.), Media, macht en politiek: de verkiezingscampagne van 2012 (pp. 65-84). AMB. [details]



    • Bos, L., van der Goot, E. S., & Azrout, R. (2024). 'Mediagebruik en ontwikkeling van stemkeuze' in Voogd, R., Jacobs, K., & Spiering, N. 'De Verkiezingen van 2023. Van Onderstroom naar Doorbraak: Onvrede en Migratie.'.



    • Bos, L., & Sanchez Salgado, R. M. (2024). Virtue or passion? How moral frames in climate change appeals elicit emotions and change opinions. Abstract from ECREA European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
    • Nai, A., Bos, L., Wirz, D. S. W., & Saadettin, M. (2024). Great vengeance and furious anger: Populist rhetoric and the roots of voters’ rage against the system. Paper presented at ECREA European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
    • Nai, A., van Erkel, P. F. A., & Bos, L. (2024). Turning up and down the partisan heat: Deep drivers of changes in radical partisanship over the course of an election . Paper presented at Politicologenetmaal 2024, Maastricht, Netherlands.
    • Saadettin, M., Nai, A., Bos, L., & Wirz, D. S. W. (2024). Great vengeance and furious anger: Populist rhetoric and the roots of voters’ rage against the system. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2024, Rotterdam, Netherlands.


    • Bos, L., & Sanchez Salgado, R. M. (2023). Virtue or passion? How moral frames in climate change appeals elicit emotions and change opinions. Paper presented at ECPR General Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
    • Bos, L., & Sanchez Salgado, R. M. (2023). Virtue or passion? How moral frames in climate change appeals elicit emotions and change opinions. Paper presented at European Political Science Association , Glasgow , United Kingdom.
    • Bos, L., Nai, A., & Saadettin, M. (2023). One people across conflict lines: Experimental evidence of the unifying power of morality frames in populist appeals. Paper presented at ECREA Political Communication Section Conference, Berlin, Germany.
    • Bos, L., Nai, A., & Saadettin, M. (2023). One people across conflict lines: Experimental evidence of the unifying power of morality frames in populist appeals. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.
    • Nai, A., Bos, L., Saadettin, M., & Wirz, D. S. W. (2023). Great vengeance and furious anger: Populist rhetoric and the roots of voters’ rage against the system . Paper presented at ECPR General Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.


    • Bos, L., Nai, A., & Saadettin, M. (2022). Establishing the populist people across conflict lines. Paper presented at ECPR General Conference, Innsbruck, Austria.


    • Bos, L. (2021). Positive and negative consequences of political moral appeals in multiparty contexts. Abstract from 8th European Communication Conference.
    • Bos, L. (2021). Positive and negative consequences of political moral appeals in multiparty contexts. Paper presented at ICA 2021 - 71st Annual ICA Conference.
    • Bos, L., Ohme, J., & Tsoulou-Malakoudi, A. (2021). Curating political animosity? The relation of algorithmic news curation to ideological extremity and social and political intolerance. Paper presented at International Journal of Press/Politics Conference.
    • Meppelink, C. S., Bos, L., Boukes, M., & Möller, J. E. (2021). A health crisis in the age of misinformation: How media and misperceptions affect our behavior. Abstract from ICA 2021 - 71st Annual ICA Conference.


    • Bos, L. (2020). The mobilizing and polarizing effects of political moral appeals. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2020.
    • Bos, L., & Stang, C. A. (2020). A heated Norwegian abortion debate: Normative standards under pressure?. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2020.
    • Bos, L., Egelhofer, J. L., & Lecheler, S. K. (2020). Understanding the antecedents of fake news perceptions: A factorial survey experiment. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2020.


    • Bos, L. (2019). Political moral appeals fuel in-party love not out-party hate. Abstract from ECPR General Conference, Wroclaw, Poland.
    • Bos, L., & Minihold, S. (2019). An exploration of the use of moral rhetoric in multi-party systems. Poster session presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Nijmegen.


    • Bos, L. (2018). Moral appeals in populist times. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Ghent, Belgium.
    • Lefevere, J. M., & Bos, L. (2018). Echoes of populism: The resonance of populist messages. Paper presented at Action conference COST action on Populist Political Communication in Europe, Madrid, Spain.


    • Hameleers, M., Bos, L., & de Vreese, C. H. (2017). Shoot the messenger? The media’s role in framing populist attributions of blame. Abstract from 67th International Communication Association Conference, San Diego, California, United States.


    • Bos, L., Lefevere, J. M., Thijssen, R., & Sheets , P. (2016). The impact of mediated party issue strategies on right-wing populist support. Paper presented at 66th International Communication Association Conference, Fukuoka, Japan.
    • Hameleers, M., Bos, L., & de Vreese, C. H. (2016). Don't Shoot the Messenger? The Media's Role in Covering and Framing Populist Attributions of Blame. Abstract from ECREA Conference 2016, Prague.
    • Hameleers, M., Bos, L., & de Vreese, C. H. (2016). The appeal of media populism: The media preferences of citizens with populist attitudes. Paper presented at 66th International Communication Association Conference, Fukuoka, Japan.


    • Bos, L., Lefevere, J. M., Thijssen, R., & Sheets, P. (2015). The impact of media coverage on right-wing populist party support. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Antwerp, Belgium.
    • Bos, L., Sheets, P., & Boomgaarden, H. (2015). The role of implicit attitudes in right-wing populist party support. Abstract from Paper presented at the Political Psychology Conference, Amsterdam.
    • Hameleers, M., Bos, L., & de Vreese, C. H. (2015). "They did it": The effects of emotionalized blame attribution as a populist communication strategy. Abstract from Paper presented at the European Political Science Association, Vienna, Austria.
    • Hameleers, M., Bos, L., & de Vreese, C. H. (2015). To whom are "the people" opposed? Conceptualizing and measuring the populist attitude as a multidimensional construct. Abstract from Paper presented at the ECREA Political Communication Conference, Odense, Denmark.
    • Miettinen, T., Kruikemeier, S., & Bos, L. (2015). News coverage of different political scandals: Effects on political support. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
    • Miettinen, T., Kruikemeier, S., & Bos, L. (2015). News coverage of politicians’ misconducts: Effects of different types of political scandals on political support. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Antwerp, Belgium.
    • de Groot, M., Janse van Rensburg, L., Bos, L., & Trilling, D. C. (2015). Online news and comments: Characteristics and relationships. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Antwerp, Belgium.


    • Boomgaarden, H. G., Sheets, P., & Bos, L. (2014). Explicit and Implicit Measurement of Far-right Party Support. Abstract from Paper presented at the conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
    • Bos, L., & de Vreese, C. H. (2014). What makes them switch? The impact of the media on vote change.. Abstract from Midwest Political Science Association annual conference, Chicago, USA.
    • Bos, L., & de Vreese, C. H. (2014). What makes them switch? The impact of the media on vote change.. Abstract from annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Seattle, USA.
    • Bos, L., Lecheler, S. K., Mewafi, M., & Vliegenthart, R. (2014). It’s the frame that matters: Immigration and media framing effects in the Netherlands.. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Wageningen.
    • Bos, L., Lefevere, J., Thijssen, R., & Sheets, P. (2014). The impact of media coverage on right-wing populist parties: The role of issue ownership. Paper presented at Paper presented at the meeting of the European Consortium for Political Research, Glasgow, Scotland.
    • Hameleers, M., Bos, L., & de Vreese, C. H. (2014). Research on populist political communication in the Netherlands.. Abstract from Paper presented at the COST-1308, Populist Political Communication in Europe: Comprehending the Challenge of mediated Political Populism for Democratic Politics working group meeting, Lisbon, Portugal.
    • Lecheler, S. K., Bos, L., & Vliegenthart, R. (2014). Public information campaign framing effects on citizens behaviour towards immigrants: The moderating role of urban identity.. Abstract from Paper presented at the Politicologenetmaal, Maastricht.
    • Lecheler, S. K., Bos, L., & Vliegenthart, R. (2014). The mediating role of emotions: News framing effects on opinions about immigration.. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Wageningen.
    • Sheets, P., Bos, L., & Boomgaarden, H. G. (2014). Media Cues and Citizen Support for Right-Wing Populist Parties. Abstract from Paper presented at the conference of the Midwest Political Science Association Chicago, IL.


    • Boomgaarden, H. G., Sheets, P., & Bos, L. (2013). Implicit and explicit measures of far-right support. Paper presented at Paper presented at the European Consortium of Political Research, Bordeaux, France.
    • Bos, L. (2013). Media populism: The state of affairs. Abstract from Paper presented at the Council for European Studies Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
    • Bos, L., & Brants, K. L. K. (2013). Media populism over time. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
    • Bos, L., & Brants, K. L. K. (2013). Rise and Spread of Populism in the Netherlands: A longitudinal study of politician's rhetoric and media's portrayal. Abstract from Politicologenetmaal, Gent, Belgium.
    • Bos, L., & Brants, K. L. K. (2013). Wilders en de golfslag van het populisme. Abstract from Paper presented at the Politicologenetmaal, Ghent, Belgium.
    • Bos, L., & de Vreese, C. H. (2013). What makes them switch? The impact of the media on vote change. Paper presented at Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference, Bordeaux, France.
    • Bouwman, N., & Bos, L. (2013). An experimental investigation into direct effects of non-traditional political communication styles on the perceived credibility of politicians. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
    • Sheets, P., Bos, L., & Boomgaarden, H. (2013). Media cues and citizen support for right-wing populist parties. Abstract from Paper presented at the Council for European Studies Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
    • Sheets, P., Bos, L., & Boomgaarden, H. (2013). Media cues and citizen support for right-wing populist parties. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
    • Sheets, P., Bos, L., & Boomgaarden, H. G. (2013). Media cues and support for right-wing populist parties. Paper presented at Paper presented at the European Consortium for Political Research, Bordeaux, France.


    • Bos, L. (2012). An experimental test of the impact of style and rhetoric on the perception of right-wing populist and mainstream leaders.. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Leuven, Belgium.
    • Bos, L. (2012). An experimental test of the impact of style and rhetoric on the perception of right-wing populist and mainstream leaders.. Abstract from Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ, USA.


    • Bos, L., van der Brug, W., & de Vreese, C. H. (2011). An experimental test of the impact of style and rhetoric on the perception of right-wing populist and mainstream leaders.. Abstract from Paper presented at the Politicologenetmaal, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
    • Paalvast, M., & Bos, L. (2011). Wie bepaalt het beeld over de multiculturele samenleving? Een onderzoek naar brondiversiteit in het binnenlands nieuws van landelijke dagbladen.. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Enschede, The Netherlands.


    • Bos, L., van der Brug, W., & de Vreese, C. H. (2009). The mass media: explaining perceptions of right-wing populist leaders.

    Prize / grant

    Media appearance

    Talk / presentation

    • Bos, L. (speaker) (9-10-2024). Campaigning for the EP elections, Stenden Hogeschool Leeuwarden.
    • Bos, L. (speaker) (2024). One People Across Conflict Lines: Experimental Evidence of the Unifying Power of Morality Frames in Populist Appeals, The Rhetoric of Politics, Aarhus.
    • Bos, L. (speaker) (2024). Great Vengeance and Furious Anger. Populist Rhetoric and the Roots of Voters’ Rage against the System, Populist constitutionalism and populist communication, Hannover.
    • Bos, L. (invited speaker) (6-7-2022). The Populist Radical Right and the Mass Media, Summer School Concepts and Methods for Research on Far-Right Politics , Paris.
    • Bos, L. (invited speaker) (6-7-2022). Experiments for the Study of the Populist Radical Right, Summer School Concepts and Methods for Research on Far-Right Politics , Paris.
    • Bos, L. (speaker) (10-2021). Lecture on Populism and Political Intolerance, Civil Resilience Forum.
    • Bos, L. (invited speaker) (10-2021). Invited speaker in Roundtable on Politics, Populisms and Power Alternatives, Mediaflows 2021 congress, Valencia.
    • Bos, L. (invited speaker) (2019). Invited Speaker in Roundtable on 'Spaces of the European Far-Right', Roundtable on ‘Spaces of the European Far-Right’ .
    • Bos, L. (invited speaker) (2019). Invited Speaker in Roundtable on the European Elections, Roundtable on the European Elections.
    • Bos, L. (invited speaker) (2016). Understanding the appeal of populist cues, Populism and Democracy, Zurich.
    • Bos, L. (invited speaker) (2016). Political journalism and populism in comparative perspective., Rechtspopulismus im Spiegel niederländischer und deutscher Medien, Amsterdam.
    • Bos, L. (invited speaker) (27-3-2015). Dissecting the Role of the Media in Populist Success, Keynote at the Action Conference Populist Political Communication in Europe, Athens, Greece.


    • Bos, L. (organiser), Tulin, M. (organiser), Harambam, J. (organiser), Noordenbos, B. (organiser), Tuters, M. (organiser) & Ruijgrok, K. (organiser) (22-11-2024). Methods of Misinformation, Amsterdam. This 1-day workshop aims to stimulate interdisciplinary dialogue on the methods by which (polarizing) misinformation is politically instrumentalized, (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Bos, L. (participant) (23-5-2024). De staat van de rechtsstaat, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Bos, L. (organiser), Gattermann, K. (organiser), Jacobs, L. (organiser) & Lefevere, J. (organiser) (2023). ECPR Summer School in Political Communication, Amsterdam. Presented by our Standing Group on Political Communication, this brand-new Summer School inspired and encouraged the next generation of scholars to (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Sanchez Salgado, R. (organiser), Mühlenhoff, H. (organiser), Bos, L. (organiser) & Telford, A. (organiser) (2023). Securing the future through affective engagement? Emotions in the European Union’s security policy, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Telford, A. (organiser), Mühlenhoff, H. (organiser), Sanchez Salgado, R. (organiser) & Bos, L. (organiser) (2023). Emotions in European climate politics, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).



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  • Ancillary activities
    • No ancillary activities