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ACES Directors 
  • Theresa Kuhn (Current Director)

    Theresa Kuhn is Full Professor /Hoogleraar at the Capacity group European Studies, University of Amsterdam. She teaches both in the BA and MA programs in European Studies, and since September 2024, she has been the Director of ACES. Previously, she was associate professor in political science at UvA,  worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at Nuffield College at the University of Oxford and at Freie Universitaet Berlin. Theresa Kuhn obtained a PhD from the European University Institute, Florence, in 2011.

    Using survey research and experimental methods, Theresa Kuhn studies how citizens react to globalization and European integration in their political attitudes and collective identities. Her research has been recognized with a number of prizes, including the UACES best book prize for her book Experiencing European Integration. Transnational Lives and European Identity (Oxford University Press 2015) and the CES Carolina de Miguel Moyer Young Scholar Award for the most significant contribution to the interdisciplinary study of Europe for a scholar under the age of 40.

    For further information including publications, teaching and research projects, please visit Theresa's personal website.

    Prof. T. (Theresa) Kuhn

    ACES Director

  • Brian Burgoon (Current Director)

    of these realms influence each other, and in particular whether and how economic interdependence, social protection, and democracy can be rendered compatible or even mutually reinforcing.  

    Burgoon's teaching focuses on general political science, political economy, international relations, and quantitative and qualitative research methods. The key goal of that teaching is to help students want and know how to use the theoretical and empirical tools of social science to explore political life, and to do so in the service of human purposes. 

    Current positions

    • Professor of Political Economy at the Dept. of Political Science, UvA
    • Member of AISSR Programme Group, Political Economy and Transnational Governance (PETGOV)
    • Co-director of Amsterdam Centre for European Studies (ACES)
    • Member of Amsterdam Center for Inequality Studies (AMCIS)
    • Member of the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (IMES)
    • Secretary and Treasurer (of Board of Directors) Dialogue Advisory Group (DAG)


    • PhD in Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 1998 (see tab downloads for dissertation)
    Prof. B.M. (Brian) Burgoon

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

    Programme group: Political Economy and Transnational Governance

  • Luiza Bialasiewicz (Previous Director)

    Director of ACES. Bialasiewicz is Professor of European Governance in the Department of European Studies. From 2013-2018, she held a Jean Monnet Chair in EU External Relations in the same Department.

    Since 2013, she is also permanent Visiting Professor at the College of Europe, Natolin where she teaches an annual course on European Geopolitics. Prior to moving to the Netherlands, she was Senior Lecturer in Geography at Royal Holloway, University of London and, previous, Lecturer in Geography at Durham University. She has held numerous visiting appointments at universities and institutes of advanced study in Europe and North America, most recently as Visiting Fellow at the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen in Vienna (2015-2016 and 2018-2019).

    Her research focuses on the political geographies of European borders and on EU foreign policy and geopolitics, with a particular emphasis on the Mediterranean and North Africa. Most recently, her research has focused on anti-migrant movements and new spaces of migrant reception in European cities.

    She is the editor of Europe in the World: EU Geopolitics and the Making of European Space and the forthcoming collection Spaces of Tolerance: The Changing Geographies of Religious Freedom in Europe. She is part of the editorial board of 5 of the leading international journals in political geography and geopolitics (Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, Geopolitics, Political Geography, Eurasian Geography and Economics and European Urban and Regional Studies) and regularly acts as a referee for both European and North American funding agencies.

    She has herself received funding from the Erasmus+ programme (Jean Monnet Network), the European Commission (FP7), the National Geographic Society, and the National Science Foundation.

  • Jonathan Zeitlin (Founding Director)

    Founding Director of ACES. Zeitlin is Distinguished Faculty Professor of Public Policy and Governance in the Department of Political Science. Zeitlin co-founded ACCESS EUROPE and served as its Scientific Director between 2013-2017. He was also Co-Director of the AISSR Programme Group on Political Economy and Transnational Governance (PETGOV) from 2010-2018.

    Before joining the UvA in 2010, Zeitlin taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he directed the European Union Center of Excellence and the Center for World Affairs and the Global Economy, and at Birkbeck University of London. He was also a research fellow at King’s College, Cambridge.

    A former EU Jean Monnet Chair holder, he has received numerous research grants and awards, including Guggenheim Foundation, German Marshall Fund, and EUI Jean Monnet Fellowships. Zeitlin’s current research focuses on new forms of experimentalist governance within and beyond the European Union.

    He has authored or edited 16 books and more than 100 international peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. His work has been translated into nine languages. He is a Past-President of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), and former Editor of Socio-Economic Review (Oxford University Press).

    He is currently a member of the Steering Committee of the European Consortium on Political Research (ECPR) Standing Group on the European Union (SGEU), coordinates the SASE Regulation and Governance Network, and serves on the editorial board of the Journal of European Public Policy, Regulation & Governance, and other international journals.

    Prof. dr. J.H. (Jonathan) Zeitlin

    Founding Director

Socio-Economic Challenges
  • Marija Bartl

    Marija Bartl is a Professor of Transnational Private Law at the Amsterdam Law School and the Director of the Amsterdam Centre for Transformative Private Law. She teaches several courses, including 'Private law in European and International Perspective' and 'Making Markets beyond the State: Between Private Law and International Economic Law'. Marija has acquired her PhD from the European University Institute in Florence, with a thesis Legitimacy and European Private Law.

    Marija has held appointments as a Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Nantes, Visiting Fellow at the Harvard Law School, Boston University and the Max Planck Insitute for Comparative Law in Hamburg. She was also a Teaching Fellow at the VMU in Kaunas, Lithuania. Marija serves as a member of the Steering Committee of the Euromemorandum Group, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Ius Commune Research School.


    Marija's research agenda revolves around the relationship between law and social change. In her VENI research project 'Bringing Democracy to Markets: TTIP and the Politics of Knowledge in Postnational Governance' (funded by Dutch Research Council), Marija explores the co-constututive relationship between institutions (democratic or not), laws and expert knowledge in the re-shaping of global political economy.  At present, Marija is completing a manuscript within this project, titled 'Legal Imaginaries and Collective Self-Determination'. In this book, she explores the question how the ways in which we imagine law – that is both (social) reality on which law aims to intervene as well as law’s capacity to do so – shape our sense of collective agency.

    Marija's new research project explores the possible contribution of law, and private law in particular, to the socio-ecological transformation. She has been recently awarded an ERC Starting Grant for a project titled 'Law as a Vehicle of Social Change: Mainstreaming Non-Extractive Economic Practices'. In this research project she focuses on the question how private law could nurture socially and environmentally non-extractive economic practices.

    Prof. dr. M. (Marija) Bartl

    Faculty of Law

    Dep. Private Law

  • Brian Burgoon

    Brian Burgoon is Professor of International and Comparative Political Economy in the Department of Political Science. He is also Academic Director of the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR). His research focuses on the politics of economic globalization, welfare and labor-market policies, and on how economic conditions influence political conflict generally.

    Burgoon has published widely on these themes in highly-ranked journals and publishing houses in political science, social policy and economics. He received his PhD from MIT in 1998, and has been on the UvA faculty since 2001. Prior to joining the UvA, Burgoon was Assistant Professor in US Foreign Economic Policy at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).

    He has received a wide range of external funding and grant awards, including from the Harvard Center for European Studies, the McArthur Foundation, the Dutch Research Council (NWO, NWOTalent, WOTRO), and been a partner in large-scale European projects in the FP6 (GARNET, PEGGED), FP7 (GINI, GR:EEN) and Horizon 2020 (ENLIGHTEN) programmes. Burgoon is also an active political mediator in the Dialogue Advisory Group (DAG).

    Prof. B.M. (Brian) Burgoon

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

    Programme group: Political Economy and Transnational Governance

  • Paul van den Noord

    Paul van den Noord is affiliate member of the Amsterdam School of Economics since late 2018. Previously he has been an economist at Autonomy Capital, a global-macro hedge fund, from 2013 to 2017, a visiting professor at the College of Europe from 2014 to 2018, teaching on the EU in the international financial system, and an Associate Fellow at Chatham House in London from 2014 to 2017.
    Paul spent most of his career at the OECD in Paris, serving in the Economics Department from 1989 until 2007 where he has been responsible for the annual Economic Surveys for a host of OECD member countries and the lead author of the OECD Economic Outlook from 2005 to 2006. In the latter role he was also the OECD representative at the G10 Group of Countries (G10).
    In early 2007, Paul moved to the European Commission in Brussels, where he was seconded as an economic adviser to the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs. Upon his return to the OECD in late 2010 he took up a role as adviser to the Organization’s chief economist and was a OECD delegate at the G20.
    Paul van den Noord has published widely in the fields of monetary union and the political economy of structural reform, including numerous articles in academic journals. 

    Dr. P.J. (Paul) van den Noord

    Faculty of Economics and Business

    Sectie Macro & International Economics

Governing Europe
  • Ans Kolk

    Ans Kolk is Full Professor at the Amsterdam Business School, Faculty of Economics and Business (PhD, 1996). Her areas of expertise are in corporate social responsibility and sustainability, especially in relation to international business and policy, and the interactions with local, national and international stakeholders. 

    Ans Kolk was awarded the EABIS/Aspen Institute Faculty Pioneer European Award (Lifetime Achievement Award), the Elsevier-wide Atlas award for social impact for her single-authored article ‘The social responsibility of international business’; and the best paper published in the field in 2017 by the International Association for Business and Society for her co-authored article ‘How global is international CSR?’ 

    Kolk has published numerous articles in international reputable journals, as well as chapters and books. She is currently senior editor of Journal of World Business, consulting editor of Journal of International Business Policy, and editorial board member of major journals in her field.

    Kolk served three terms as research director of the Amsterdam Business School; was head of the International Strategy & Marketing department; directed the strategy & marketing research programme; duties that came with these roles included responsibility for all academic recruitment, chairing appointment committees for full professor positions, responsibility for research assessments and accreditations, and leadership of faculty.

    She has participated in several international projects on strategy, organisation and disclosure related to social and environmental issues, in cooperation with different private, public and societal organisations.

    Prof. dr. J.E.M. (Ans) Kolk

    Faculty of Economics and Business

    Section Strategy & International Business

  • Stefania Milan

    Stefania Milan is Associate Professor of New Media and Digital Culture, and Associate Professor (II) of Media Innovation at the University of Oslo. Her research explores the interplay between digital technology and society, with a focus on critical data practices and cyberspace governance. Stefania is the Principal Investigator of the DATACTIVE project “The politics of big data according to civil society”, ERC Starting Grant no. 639379) and the Algorithms Exposed project, ERC Proof of Concept no. 825974). She holds a PhD in Social and Political Science from the European University Institute (October 2009).

    Prior to joining the UvA, Stefania worked at, among others, the University of Toronto, Tilburg University, and Central European University. She is the co-founder of the interdisciplinary Amsterdam Network for the Study of Online Contention. Stefania has received grants from, among others, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. Her project on online content regulation in the age of platformization of the internet (2017-2018) has received funding from the Annenberg School of Communication, University of Pennsylvania.

    In 2008-2012 Stefania coordinated the Emerging Scholars Network of the International Association of Communication Research (IAMCR), and in 2012-2016 she sat on the IAMCR International Council. In 2015-17 she served in the Council of the Generic Names Supporting Organization of the International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), in charge of the logical governance of the internet.

    In 2014-17 she was a member of WorkGroup 1 “An Internet free and secure” of the Freedom Online Coalition, a multilateral forum, contributing towards a set of recommendations for cybersecurity policies that are human rights-respecting by design.

    Prof. dr. S. (Stefania) Milan

    Faculty of Humanities

    Capaciteitsgroep Media & Cultuur

  • Maria Weimer

    Maria Weimer is Associate Professor of EU law and regulation at the Law Faculty of the University of Amsterdam and a senior researcher at the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG). She represents the Amsterdam Law School as a member of the Amsterdam Young Academy, an independent interdisciplinary platform of 30 talented researchers from the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit who work together to better represent young researchers in science policy and to build bridges between science and society in Amsterdam.

    Before joining UvA, Maria Weimer worked as a post-doctoral researcher and lecturer at the Department of International and European Law of Maastricht University (2011-2013). She holds a PhD from the European University Institute in Florence. She is the author of a monograph with Oxford University Press titled "Risk Regulation in the EU Internal Market - Lessons from Agricultural Biotechnology" and the deputy editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Risk Regulation published with Cambridge University Press.

    Working at the interface of law, social and political sciences and studies of governance and regulation, Maria Weimer has extensive experience of interdisciplinary collaboration. In the past, she participated, for example, in collaborative EU-funded projects, such as RECON (Reconstituting Democracy in Europe) and INPROFOOD (Towards Inclusive Research Programming for Sustainable Food Innovations). She currently participates in the research consortium InDivEU (Integrating Diversity in the European Union) funded under Horizon 2020 and led by the European University Institute.

    Dr. M. (Maria) Weimer

    Faculty of Law

    European Public Law

Politics and Publics
  • Theresa Kuhn

    Theresa Kuhn is Associate Professor in Political Science at the University of Amsterdam. She is also Head of Studies for the Politics major of the interdisciplinary BA programme PPLE (Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics) and Co-director of the faculty research priority area ACES (Amsterdam Center for European Studies). 

    Previously, she worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at Nuffield College at the University of Oxford. Theresa Kuhn obtained a PhD from the European University Institute, Florence, in 2011.

    Using survey research and experimental methods, Theresa Kuhn studies how citizens react to globalization and European integration in their political attitudes and collective identities. Her research has been recognized with a number of prizes, including the UACES best book prize for her book Experiencing European Integration. Transnational Lives and European Identity (Oxford University Press 2015).

    For further information including publications, teaching and research projects, please visit Theresa's personal website.

  • Matthijs Lok

    Dr. Matthijs Lok is a University Lecturer (Universitair Docent 1/ Ass. Prof.) in Modern European History at the European Studies Department of the University of Amsterdam. He studied European history at the Universities of Liverpool, Leiden and Yale, followed by a short career as policy adviser. In 2009 he took his PhD at the History Department of the University of Amsterdam. He was appointed a senior fellow of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study NIAS (Yeargroup 2019-20). Lok specialises in the comparative political, cultural and intellectual history of modern Europe in a global context since the 18th century. He is particularly interested in topics on the intersection of history, philosophy, politics and memory.

    Research & writing projects

    Currently, his main research projects & topics are:

    • The global History and Politics of Moderation
    • Antiliberal and Conservative Internationalism (19th-21th c.)
    • The (Counter) Enlightenment (and its political Uses in the 21th c.)
    • Historical Narratives of Europe (in particular the pluralist Idea)
    • Conservative Parties and the History of Democracy

    At the moment he is completing a monograph on 'Counter-revolution, Enlightenment and the Making of the European Past' and edited volumes on 'Cosmopolitan conservatisms' (with Friedemann Pestel & Juliette Reboul) en on 'Monarchisms in Atlantic History' (with Carolina Armenteros & Iason Zarikos)

    Dr. M.M. (Matthijs) Lok

    Faculty of Humanities

    Europese studies

  • Chantal Mak

    Chantal Mak is a Professor of Private law, in particular fundamental rights and private law, at the Centre for the Study of European Contract Law. Her research focuses on the constitutional legal framework for private law in Europe and the influence of constitutional law (including fundamental rights) on private law matters, with a special interest for the role of the judiciary.

    She is currently leading a project on the theme of judicial law-making in European private law, entitled ‘Judges in Utopia’ (subsidised by NWO Vidi). Chantal’s work in this project aims to contribute to a normative theory of judicial rulemaking for the field of European private law. She analyses the implications of theories of European constitutionalism and philosophical theories of deliberation for judicial reasoning in this area. The focus lies on the potential of fundamental rights to deliberate value-choices in judicial rulemaking in the field of private law.

    Prof. dr. C. (Chantal) Mak

    Faculty of Law

    Dep. Private Law

  • Marc Tuters

    My current research concerns radical political subcultures online, which I explore through "digital methods" in affiliation with researchers at the Open Intelligence Lab and the Digital Methods Initiative.   

    I have given recent talks on new-right "conspiracism" and "the deep vernacular web" at De Balie (Amsterdam, NL), the IMPAKT festival (Utrecht, NL) and the Centre for Investigative Journalism (London, UK).

    Dr. M.D. (Marc) Tuters

    Faculty of Humanities

    Departement Mediastudies

  • Claes de Vreese

    Claes de Vreese is Professor and Chair of Political Communication and Director of the Program Group ‘Political Communication & Journalism’ at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR). He is the founding Director of the Center for Politics and Communication and directs the Digital Communication Methods Lab.

    De Vreese's interests lie at the intersection of communication science, political science, public opinion research and digital methods. His current research focuses on algorithms and news, European public opinion dynamics, populism, changes in political journalism, and theory and methods in light of advances in the media landscape. Mr De Vreese is an elected member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and chair of its Social Science Council as well as the national Social Science Humanities Platform (SSH beraad). He is an elected Fellow of the International Communication Association and of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities.

    De Vreese has received more than 12 million in research funding, including VENI and VICI grants from the NWO, grants from the Dutch National Science Agenda (NWA), and from EU research programs including the European Research Council (ERC). He has received paper, article, and career awards for research from e.g. the International Communication Association, the Danish Science Foundation, and the Norwegian Holberg Foundation. He is also the 2018 recipient of the ICA/APSA David Swanson Career Achievement Award. De Vreese has published 10 ((co-)edited) books and 150+ articles in international peer-reviewed journals, including leading journals in communication, political science, European studies, public opinion and law.

    Prof. dr. C.H. (Claes) de Vreese

    Executive Staff

Diverse Europe
  • Suda Rajagopalan

    Suda Rajagopalan is a Senior Lecturer in East European Studies. Appointed under the Nieuwe Generatie Offensief programme that encourages interdisciplinary professional profiles, she has a special teaching and research interests in Russian cultural studies, cultural history, historical media and new media cultures, and has taught a variety of courses across three departments, with diverse disciplinary foci, including postcolonial autobiography, Soviet cultural history and media reception. In 2016, her Master's course in East European Studies, "Intimate Politics: Culture and Subjectivity in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia" won the Onderwijsprijs or Teaching Excellence Prize in the Humanities.

    Dr. S. (Sudha) Rajagopalan

    Faculty of Humanities

    Europese studies

  • Annette Schrauwen

    Schrauwen is Professor of European Integration, in particular citizenship law and history, at the Law Faculty. The main focus of her research is on the concept of Union citizenship.

    Current research projects include possible implications of Brexit for the conceptual development of EU citizenship, the empowerment and activation of citizens in EU discourse, EU citizenship and fundamental right in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, access to welfare rights for EU citizens, and the impact on lawmaking of (legal) narratives on EU (posted) workers.

    She wrote the Dutch national report for the FRACIT project on electoral rights and participation of third-country nationals in EU member states and of EU citizens in third countries, an EUI-led project for the European Parliament. She is chair of the board of editors of Legal Issues of Economic Integration.

    Prof. dr. A.A.M. (Annette) Schrauwen

    Faculty of Law

    European Public Law

Europe in the World
  • Dimitris Bouris

    Dimitris Bouris is an Assistant Professor of EU Security/European External Relations at the Department of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam and also the coordinator of the Master's track programme 'European Politics and External Relations' (EPER). He is also a Visiting Professor at the College of Europe (Natolin) and the initiator and coordinator of the EU funded Jean Monnet network EUMENIA: EU-Middle East Network in Action. 

    Prior to joining the University of Amsterdam, he was a Research Fellow in charge of the southern dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy at the European Neighbourhood Policy Chair at the College of Europe (Natolin) and a visiting lecturer in Middle East Politics at Kingston University. 

    Dimitris Bouris holds a BA in Political Science (University of Crete), a MA in International Politics/International Relations (University of Manchester) and a PhD in Politics and International Studies (University of Warwick). His research focus lies at the intersection of International Relations (IR theory, peacebuilding, state-building, security sector reform, conflict resolution), EU Studies (EU External Relations, EU Common Security and Defence Policy) and Middle East and North Africa Studies (with a particular focus on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Libya).  

    Dr. D. (Dimitris) Bouris

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

    Programme group: Transnational Configurations, Conflict and Governance

  • Christina Eckes

    Member of the ACES Governing Board. Eckes is Professor of European Law and Director of the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG). Her research interests are integration and disintegration dynamics in EU law and the legal limits to European integration.

    She is co-founder and editor of the open access journal Europe and the World – A Law Review, published with UCL Press. Between 2011 and 2015 her research on the internal constitutional consequences of the European Union's external actions was funded by a personal research grant (Veni) under the innovation scheme of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).

    She spent the academic year 2012/2013 as Emile Noël Fellow-in-residence at New York University and March to June 2014 as a visiting researcher at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. In 2008, she completed her PhD research at the Centre of European Law at King's College London, which was fully funded by a university scholarship.

    She also holds an LL.M (2003) from the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, and passed First State Examination in Germany (2002).

    Prof. dr. C. (Christina) Eckes

    Faculty of Law

    European Public Law

  • Beste İşleyen

    Beste İşleyen is an Assistant Professor in Political Science at the University of Amsterdam since 2015. 

    She currently holds a VENI grant by the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO). This research looks at the daily governance of migration and borders in Turkey. More information on this research can be obtained under the TRANSIT tab.

    She is on the editorial advisory board of Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. She is also an affiliated researcher at Jean Monnet Network EUMENIA as well as at FOLLOW: Following the Money from Transaction to Trial, which is a Consolidator Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) led by Professor Marieke de Goede.

    Beste received her PhD in Political Science from the University of Tübingen (2014) with a scholarship by the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation. Previously, she was a postdoctoral researcher in the 'Europe and the World' theme of ACCESS EUROPE at the University of Amsterdam (2014-2015). 

    Her research interests lie in International Relations, Critical Security Studies and International Political Sociology. She has worked on European Union engagement with the Southern Mediterranean with a focus on peace and conflict, counter-terrorism, socio-economic development and civil society promotion.

    Dr. B. (Beste) Isleyen

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

    Programme group: Transnational Configurations, Conflict and Governance