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The European Union's ability to navigate the dual crises of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine is the focus of a new special issue in the Journal of European Public Policy, guest-edited by Jonathan Zeitlin and Francesco Nicoli. Building on earlier research, this issue explores how the EU has shown unexpected resilience in the face of politicization and division. It offers new insights into the pathways of EU integration amidst ongoing polycrises, revising previous understandings of the so-called "politics trap."

EU Resilience and Integration: Navigating Polycrises in a New Era

This special issue examines the EU’s response to its second polycrisis, driven by the dual impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It revisits and revises the authors’ earlier joint research on polycrises, polycleavages, and politics traps, which was featured in a previous JEPP special issue here. The key takeaway is that the EU has demonstrated greater resilience to politicization’s potential negative effects than many commentators had anticipated at the start of the poly-crisis decade, which began with the euro and refugee crises.