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Hanna L. Muehlenhoff, senior lecturer in European Studies and ACES affiliate member, was interviewed for the PRX foreign policy podcast “Things That Go Boom” on Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP) and abortion rights in the European Union.
Hanna L. Muehlenhoff.

About the podcast

When does something as deeply personal as abortion become a matter of foreign policy?


Maybe when it becomes a stand-in for national values and belief systems. Or maybe when it becomes a clever wedge to divide societies.

Polish abortion activists are on the cusp of a huge change. After 30 years of some of the strictest abortion laws in the country, it looks like some liberalization could be on the way.

But it wasn’t easy to get here. And a new trove of documents suggests that Kremlin meddling may have been part of the reason why.

Dr. H.L. (Hanna) Muehlenhoff

Faculty of Humanities

Europese studies