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The article “(En)Countering epistemic imperialism: A critique of “Westsplaining” and coloniality in dominant debates on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine”, which Olga Burlyuk co-authored with Tereza Hendl, Mila O’Sullivan and Aizada Arystanbek, has been awarded the 2024 Best Article Prize by the American Association for Ukrainian Studies.
Olga Burlyuk.

Must-read for Ukraine related workers

The assessment of the search committee stated: “This article is a searing indictment of the responses of Western scholars to the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. You systematically deconstruct the counterproductive approaches of analysts who perceive themselves as well-meaning, in the process exposing the fault lines in prevailing IR methodologies for grappling with the multiple layers of imperialism that have enabled over a decade of war in Ukraine. Your concrete recommendations for ways to rectify the increasingly untenable status quo are especially valuable. This article should be required reading for everyone who works on the subject of Ukraine and the former USSR more broadly, regardless of discipline.”

ASN Annual Convention

The award was announced at the ASN Annual Convention at Columbia University (New York) last week.

Dr O. (Olga) Burlyuk

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Programme group: Political Economy and Transnational Governance