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By gathering key experts in the domain of European social and employment policies, public perceptions of the EU, European labour law and European economic governance, the School offers up-to-date insights into the latest developments of EU social policies and social rights. Participants will also present their own research during three conference panels, for which they are encouraged to submit papers.

The papers are expected to discuss EU social policies, social entitlements, and European social rights, and/or their relationships with national developments. Papers dealing with European social citizenship and/or papers dealing with available enforcement and instrumental resources which help to reinforce the applicability of labour and social rights are also welcomed.

Finally, papers analysing citizens’ and stakeholders’ perceptions of social Europe fit well with the Summer School. The papers will be presented during the summer School in the interactive presentation sessions. Participants are supposed to submit their papers a week prior to the beginning of the School to enable the discussants to read the drafts and to provide written comments.