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The Court of Justice of the EU has for a long time remained off the radar of actors pursuing strategic litigation. Over the past decade, however, the Court of Justice adjudicated more regularly on politically salient and socially divisive issues. But who are the actors pursuing strategic litigation before the Court of Justice? What are the agendas that they pursue? And what exactly are the effects, both the immediate legal and the broader socio-political consequences, of litigating before the Court of Justice?
Event details of Lawyering for change - but what change exactly?
27 February 2025
10:00 -18:00
by Dr. Pola Cebulak.

Assessing the actors, the particular features that shape strategic litigation, and its effects requires taking a close look at the specific legal areas of EU law in which strategic litigation occurs, such as climate change, data protection, and migration law. At the same time, it is important to adopt a bird’s eye perspective in order to assess how strategic litigation in EU law might be evolving.

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together scholars and practitioners engaged in strategic litigation to discuss the particular dynamics of strategic litigation in EU law. The special issue of the German Law Journal (2024, 25(6)) on ‘Strategic Litigation in EU Law’ serves as a basis for the discussion, which is aimed at identifying avenues for future research.

In order to facilitate collaborative discussion, the format of the workshop consists of four different roundtables - a general roundtable on the dynamics of strategic litigation in EU law and three roundtables focused on particular EU policy domains - climate change, data governance and human mobility.


Pola Cebulak | Marta Morvillo | Stefan Salomon


10:00 closed reading session for workshop participants
12:00 lunch for participants

The dynamics of strategic litigation in EU law
Pola Cebulak | Justin Borgh Barthet | Andreas Hoffman | Chris Hilson | Vigjilenca Abazi

14:30 coffee break

Migration and mobility
Dion Kramer| Elli Kriona| Melanie Fink| Lisa-Marie Komp

15:30 coffee break

Who controls the data?
Stefan Salomon| Francesca Episcopo | Elaine Fahey | Jef Ausloos

16:45 coffee break

Litigating the climate
Marta Morvillo | Christina Eckes | Sofie Fleerackers | Corina Heri

University Library

Room Doelenzaal
Singel 425
1012 WP Amsterdam