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ACES is delighted to host a topical conference exploring the dynamic intersection of digitalization and sustainability in Europe. As the continent embarks on a transformative journey towards a greener and more digital future, this conference aims to address the twin challenge of fostering sustainable digitalization.
Event details of Sustainable Digitalisation in Europe
Start date
21 March 2024
End date
22 March 2024

Digitalisation in Europe

Digitalisation in Europe is in full swing and increasingly of strategic importance for the European project. According to the European Commission “the twin challenge of a green and digital transformation has to go hand-in-hand”. This conference will engage in the interdisciplinary space where digitalisation and sustainability intersect in Europe. The small conference will bring together academics, policymakers, business leaders and civil society to upgrade our canon of conception, approaches and narratives on sustainable digitalisation.

Twin-challenge of a green and digital transformation

The objective of this conference is to explore from a multi-disciplinary perspective the theory and practice of meeting the twin-challenge of a green and digital transformation. Cloud computing’s energy consumption is steadily growing making the case for its very own sustainability ever more pressing. Putting sustainable data infrastructures central, this conference seeks to address four themes:

  • The European Green Deal in digital transformation
  • Data Centers at the Crossroads: A dialogue on digitalisation and sustainability 
  • Policy dialogue: Civic participation and contestation of data infrastructures
  • Digital sustainability through the lens of energy-value trade-offs

Organising Committee

  • Kristina Irion, Associate Professor, Institute for Information Law
  • Ans Kolk, Professor, Amsterdam Business School
  • Stefania Milan, Professor, Department of Media Studies
  • Ana Oprescu, Assistant Professor, Informatics Institute

Attending the conference

Are you interested in attending the conference? If so, please use the link below to register your interest and a member of our team will be in touch regarding your participation.