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On March 14, Vicki Prais, an international human rights lawyer, will deliver a lecture on Judicial Dialogue and People in Situations of Vulnerability in Conflict with the Law. The session explores the judicial dialogue between national and European courts (the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights) in the human and fundamental rights space.
Event details of Judicial Dialogue and People in Situations of Vulnerability in Conflict with the Law
14 March 2024
11:30 -12:30

In particular, this session focuses on the rights of persons in situations of vulnerability in conflict with the law and examines the judicial dialogue between the regional and European courts in this area. We will highlight the key EU Directives on Victim’s Rights, procedural rights (the EU Roadmap Directives) for suspects and accused persons in criminal proceedings and the wider international human rights framework on vulnerable groups. The session takes a deep dive and examines jurisprudence around vulnerable groups in conflict with the law including asylum seekers and migrants, children, women, people deprived of liberty, people with disabilities, vulnerable witnesses, victims and defendants in criminal proceedings. Finally, we highlight some promising practice in terms of supporting these vulnerable groups in the criminal justice system e.g. trauma informed approaches.

Vicky Prais.

About the speaker

Vicki Prais is an international human rights lawyer, academic and independent human rights consultant with particular expertise in prisoners' rights, prison reform, dignity behind bars and torture prevention.  She has professionally collaborated with the UN and the Council of Europe, the British Government, Amnesty International, Penal Reform International; the Scottish Human Rights Commission. Vicki has conducted research at Surrey University and McGill University. Since November 2022 Vicki serves as a Visiting Professor of Human Rights at Birmingham City University. Vicki has written peer reviewed articles such as the The Implementation in Canada of the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners: A practitioner’s perspective (2021), and has co-authored leading policy reports such as the Global Prison Trends Report 2019, submissions to UN bodies and practitioner guides such as the Older persons in detention: A framework for preventive monitoring (PRI/APT,2021) and a Guidance Document on the European Prison Rules (Penal Reform International/Council of Europe, 2023).

Bushuis/Oost-Indisch Huis

Room BH-OIH/E1.02
Kloveniersburgwal 48 (main entrance)
1012 CX Amsterdam